Sunday, 14 November 2010

Reiki Healing in Ancient Egypt

The Ancient Egyptians practised reiki, this is one of the courses that I am running in Ireland, its all about the ancient healing system of egypt called bio geometric is a system of healing that is based on the symbols for the elements as well as the geometric symbols of the cosmic and terrestrial cycles...the system was the holding or wearing of symbols on or near the body during the healing process, the vibration/frequency of the symbol would re-align the energy vibration/frequency of the body.  The words rei ki mean rei, is same as ray or ra as in the god ra...a ray or rei or ra, is a single frequency/vibration in the spectrum of light, a light ray,  the word ki means earth/body it also means the same as chi or prana or ether, chi or ki is the life force energy, so reiki is light frequency/vibration realigining the energy of the earth/body through the chi or ki energy field...this is totally an ancient egyptian system and the use of symbols in the process of healing comes from the bio geometric healing system of ancient egypt and atlantis....

love light abundance joy success peace freedom wisdom life and power always

Please see our website for more information on the Path of the Mystery School Initiate and the Flower of Light retreat Center in Luxor
Mobile:    (002) 010 232 44 75
Landline:  (002) 95 231 40 43
Web site:  

Monday, 8 November 2010

An Initiates Journey Remembered - Initiation at Giza Pyramid

Once more we are moving into a period of planetary initiation. Creating a state of Oneness. Thousands of years ago in ancient Egypt a similar vision existed. The temples and pyramids along the Nile served the purpose of awakening the kundalini energies of specially prepared initiates so they could step into permanent states of divine mastery. The possibility existed then, as it does now, that as more and more people stepped into their divine mastery, it would result in the global awakening of consciousness. Many of us who are feeling called to participate in this grand awakening today also remember being present in these older times. This journey into the sacred temples & pyramids of Egypt is for those who are beginning to remember, for those who wish to deepen their own experience of divine oneness, while at the same time opening up greater possibilities for a collective awakening.




For the first nine months of our life we all lived in water, this is the remembrance and rebirth - as a baby hibernates in the womb ready for birth so shall you, reborn again to follow a path of enlightenment & wisdom
I was taken to the chamber known as the "Womb of the Second Birth" for a period of 7 days inside the Great Pyramid for a symbolic entering into the womb to experience rebirth light after the dark. This chamber is known as the Chamber of Balance because here you  experience the ability to balance the opposite polarities of Light and Dark, Having experienced the Dark in the Pit  the natural human tendency is  to  move towards light, which produces unbalance,  on the 7th day the echoing song of a gong riverberates through the chambers........... AUM ...........The gong's resonance is the very music of the spheres; the heavenly bodies of the universe. My body embraced the sound, and I entered into another dimension where the mind became clear, and in communication with universal knowledge. Messages and answers came to me.. There is was no need to think or analyze; just be and know. My  resistance to familiar patterns of old faded away, as I obeyed the  command to lay within a mummy sarcophagus delivered into the chamber by  temple guardians. Laying inside I was surrounded with scriptures that mystically  come to life as a  hypnotic sleep overcame me to the commanding and yet soothing voice and the powers of hypnosis of the high priest.The coffin I lay in is  lowered down  to the Chamber of Rebirth.


Part one - To experience rebirth in The Chamber of Rebirth 
For 3 days I slept in a semi lifeless and symbolic dream state induced by the hypnosis.

Midnight of the third day ...................the coffin lid is opened and a I wake to the  sounds of mantras  in the chamber as dancing flames of torch light, then a beautiful  song of rebirth swells around the chamber as a Light State of Immortality embraces me, I am overwhelmed with emotion  and embraced in an emotional awakening of love light and rebirth in the warm embrace of  my  colleagues who have arrived to celebrate my rebirth my initiationand elevation to the light has begun, I am commanded to  return home to continue my studies in preparation for the next level during Midsummer

Part two - Light & truth 
Here I must walk  the Hall of Truth in the Grand Gallery

Ascention reaches a greater height in the symbolical attainment of mystical Light here I experience a clear perception and understanding that leads to illumination through the right use of  intellect. The intellectual nature is represented by Air and the blossoming of beautiful thoughts of the mind. Guides assist me and help me to find my way as a blind man to cross the second threshold or the "Place of Crossing the Water of Life".  Two distant gongs, symbolic of the Second Degree resound. Each day I am allowed to increase by two steps and then I am guided back to chambers of instruction for meditation and rest and to endure trials to test my development and worthiness. This ritual continues  until the seventh day when finally I ascend all the fourteen steps arriving at the  great step at the top of the hall where I then enter into the antechamber next to the "Chamber of the Open Tomb" (the King's Chamber).
This antechamber is known as the "Chamber of the Triple Veil". Here the three veils were removed, one at a time and the meaning of each veil was given to me. Once my eyes adjusted to the light and I could see again I found myself in a beautifully decorated room where I was greeted by more members of the brotherhood The bonds established among us of One, as we felt so close to each other we could even feel each other's thoughts!"
I have completed the Second Degree Initiation, and I must wait for the Autumn Equinox.


The Chamber of the open tomb - The Kings Chamber

The Chamber of the Open Tomb is also known as the Hall of Judgment and Resurrection or the White Light Chamber. Here symbolical ceremonies involving the laws of transition, regeneration, resurrection and reincarnation are experienced. Once completed successfully, will no longer be subjected to death, illness or the limitations of linear time. He will be a resurrected body mastering judgment, forgiveness, compassion and the illusions of fear and separateness. A resurrected body into a higher octave of expression . A gong declares the beginning of the rituals, and we follow the torchbearer and enter into the kings chamber where we stand in a line against the north wall, two gongs echoing through the confines of the room and seven robed people enter the room and walk towards the east wall  singing a litany  their  faces are hidden in the shadow of their hoods. The gong was played again three times to announce the entrance of the hierophant, who  took the central position in  the chamber where he informed us of  the resposibilites and duties we must fullfill, and the benefits we would achieve,  he asked us a series of questions that we promptly replied to as a sign of our readiness, he then moved near the rose quartz sarcophagus of symbolical burial, a resonance of vibration echoed the words back and cold chill entered the room, then the hissing sounds of a snake filled the room and before our eyes two Cobras materialized on the floor and started to crawl towards the High priest where they then stood upright as he gazed into their piercing unblinking eyes, he extended his right hand in an ascended commanding swing. And the  charmed dark asps swayed against each other levitating vertically in a sinuous slithering movement until they formed two counter-sinusoids in a synchronized motion when a ray of light shone between the serpents as their faces looked at each other in a hypnotic deadly gaze while their forked tongues flicked out in the typical sweeping motion. They spiraled  around the rod of light, each snake taking an opposite rotation whilst the serpents rotated in this illusion before our eyes the hierophant turned to us and said: Behold the Tempter and the Redeemer, their conflicting natures make all manifestations. And the change of consciousness which they represent leads thee to wisdom. We watched as slowly the enchanting apparition faded away .The torchbearer now approached us and told us to sit. As a sacred act of communion I was offered a sip of  mysterious white power that dissolved in water, after partaking of the Bread of Life I then laid in the sarcophagus of the  tomb for three days. I experienced a feeling of the death of the flesh and this is the symbolical death of Osiris who died and was  resurrected.

The Appearance of AKHENATEN
The energy in  the Temple charged with special vibrations as  the chanting increased then mysterious white figure stood up and moved to the center of the Chamber by the sarcophagus. He drew down the cowl to uncover his countenance. A special halo illumined his body as he started to speak. His extraordinary face  captured the etheral and portrayed the features of nations from the four corners of the earth, I held my breath as he gave us his words of wisdom that the secret of the Path is Life, Light and Love, he  encouraged us to keep those words and their inner meaning deep in our hearts. He expressed his eternal intense love for all Creation, the feeling of Oneness with it and the striving for the unveiling of the flame that dwelleth hidden within the visible sun. I t was Akhenaten thr Grand Master of the Brotherhood and former High Priest of the Temple. As his quite words of guidence and encouragment filled my body with overwhelming light, I had not realized that he had returned to his seclusion and annonomity
The resonannce of a Gong vibrated………….. AUM…………. the primordial sound that was present at the creation of the universe, all things in existence are made up at their most essential level of vibrating, pulsing energy,this energy, which is said to manifest in our hearing awareness as a humming vibration around and within everything else. we were then given an extinguished torch then guided to the East to light our fires to express the inflood of light insight and understanding
After the transformation in the Chamber of the Open Tomb in the kings chamber we were the taken  to the Womb of the Second Birth  the queens chamber for a stabilization and balance.

This is achived and results in full illumination of the initiate once the knowledge learnt in the heart is in full ervice of Humanity.

PLEASE SEE the FLOWER OF LIGHT WEBSITE for holidays /retreats and our mystery school workshops

The Symbolic meaning of the Tombs in the Valley of the Kings

The tombs which are cut into the rock of the Valley of the Kings, are symbolic representations of a womb. This is the burial place for many of the New Kingdom era Pharoahs. The long cut tunnels of the tombs represent the tunnel through which we pass at death, at the same time they equally representing the birth canal through which we are birthed into a new life. Death on one level is birth on another. The process of mummification which took place over a period of 70 days, was related to the length of time that the star constellation of Orion was out of view below the horizon line, the constellation disappeared from view for 70 days only to reappear again, reborn. The process of mummification, of keeping the physical body intact, was so as that the Ba (soul or divine spark) of the Pharaoh was not obliged to reincarnate. If the physical body remained intact then the soul or ba could continue its work in the afterlife without having to go through the process of reincarnation. Images from the literary composition of the Egyptian Book of the Dead or the Book of Coming Forth by Day ( taken from the pyramid texts), are displayed on many of the tomb walls of the valley. The Book of Coming Forth by Day describes the step by step process that the soul has to go through after death and is concerned with the transformation of the soul in the afterlife or the Duat.

for more information please see the flower of light website for our holiday retreat & mystery School workshops and tours with Anntonette Glynn

Pharoah Hatshepsut's Mortuary Temple at Dier El Bahari

Hetshepsut the most famous female Pharaoh of Egypt created her mortuary temple that we know as Dier el Bahari, Here we see the Divine Feminine Principle at work, the female energy reigning for 22 years, Hetshepsut was well respected by the Priesthood of Amun, commanding respect and authority from the priests and the people. Senmut, Hetshepsut's lover, designed the temple with rows of colonnades that reflect the vertical patterns displayed by the cliff backdrop. In this way the temple is a successful example of architectural harmony between man and nature. The temple is dedicated to the creative aspects known as Hathor and Amun. Hathor, the divine aspect of love, music, sensuality, healing, motherhood. The seven Hathors associated with the star system of the Pleiades, the Seven Sisters. Amun the "Hidden One", the "Coiled Serpent in the Mound of Creation", the story of the descent of Spirit into Matter.

Please see Our website for Flower of Light in Luxor, we offer sacred retreats,holidays and Ancient Mystery workshops with Anntionette Glynn

Sunday, 7 November 2010

Mystery School Initiation Workshops with Anntoinnette Glynn of the Flower of Light

Workshop material includes- Astronomical alignments of the Pyramids at Giza, The Mystery of the Sphinx & the Halls of Amenti, Ancient Myth and Mythology, History of the Mystery Schools, the Science of Alchemy, Universal Laws and Principals, Alchemical Healing, The Sirius Mystery, Ancient Astronomy, Ancient Technology, The Secret of the Flower of Life, Sacred Geometry, Pyramid Initiations, The Secret of Amun the "Hidden One", Discover Akhenaton, Thoth and The Emerald Tablets, Hermetic Philosophy, Crystalline Energy Grids, The Chakras of the Nile, Balancing the Chakras, Ancient Meditation Techniques, Raising Kundalini, Ki Energy Connection.

Workshops can be enjoyed as part of your holiday at the flower of Light in Luxor, our next tour begins on the 12th December in Luxor and ends in Cairo on 22nd december 2010.

I am also making arrangments to offer workshop courses in Dublin, Ireland as I will be dividing my time between the two countries.

For more information on please contact anntoinette by email :
or see our website

Flower of light Holiday Center in Luxor

 The Hermetic Axioms are simple but profound
                                                The All is in All and All is in The All”
                                                                     or put another way
                                      “God is in All and All is in God”

My aim with the building of the Flower of Light center, with running my Retreats and Workshops, is to bring back the Ancient Mystery School Teachings to Egypt and to make the teachings available to all who seek them. To build a beautiful Retreat Center, for all who are in need of a place of peace and tranquility, an oasis for the soul.

Ever since I was a child I wanted to live in Egypt. My first connection to Egypt, came through my father. He was a man who was on his own spiritual journey long before I was born. He had traveled to India and Egypt among other numerous places around the planet. He had a vast and deep understanding of Spiritual Wisdom which I was blessed to have access to. He had a library of books on all sorts of Spiritual Wisdom traditions and practices and he taught me, from a very early age to know the difference between the dogmas and rituals of organized religion and that of Spiritual Wisdom. He was a deeply enlightened human. As I look back, I realize that he was preparing me, all my life, for what I am endeavoring to do now. When I was a child I was reared on stories of Ancient Secrets, the secrets of the incredible feats of the Yogi's of India, the high civilization and technology of the Ancient Egyptians and Maya's etc. but above all, my Dad taught me what all those civilizations and ages had in common, the knowledge of the Unified Spirit within Man. He taught me the knowledge of the Universal Mind, all is Thought and all is created with Thought. He taught me self empowerment, he showed me that the root of all truth can be found only deep within the self, in our own inner space. He taught me that Spirit or God is not separate to the creation, but is the Creation itself. He taught me the knowledge of As Above, So Below, As Below, So Above, the macrocosm and the microcosm. He told me, at a time when he was very sick and nearing his own departure from this world, that not even so called death would destroy our connection, he promised me that our ability of sixth sense communication would not stop, he told me that he would continue to guide and assist me. He is and was a man of his word and today, even though he passed from this planet, we still talk to each other on a daily basis, he continues to guide me in all my decisions and he is my EYE on the higher planes, he gives me a birds EYE view of my future, we work hand in hand together and everything I do in my life is guided by his ever increasing knowledge.

At the time of my Dad's departure from this world, I was working in a large electronic company in Dublin. I had studied electronic engineering after I left school and worked ever since then in this area, but by this time I was trying to figure a way out of it, out of the world of 9 to 5 mindless boring work that brought me no satisfaction at all. I was being mentally and spiritually deprived by my working lifestyle and just couldn't see a way out. I had recently completed a course in Holistic Healing, Holistic Therapy and Ki Energy Massage with the Irish Health Culture Association and was trying to build up a business with this, things weren't going right and I found it very difficult to make the break. My Dad had always had an excellent mathematical mind, which I did not, and he always said that “Maths was the language of the God's” I never quite got the concept of that one at the time. Then one day, just about 3 months after Dad's departure, I was in work and I was looking at some websites to do with Egypt, which I did often to keep myself sane and I came across a site which was talking about the connection between Sacred Geometry, Maths, Quantum Physics and Sacred Symbolism and in particular about the symbol of the “Flower of Life.” On the top of the website page it said “Maths is the language of the God's” where had I heard that before? As I read through the site, it all fell into place, everything that my Dad had been talking about, the concept of Maths being a language, it suddenly made sense and I got a huge kundalini rush. I read further and discovered that the Flower of Life symbol not only described everything that my Dad had been trying to tell me, but that also it was found in the most Ancient Sacred sites around the world, and of course it was also in Egypt, in a Temple called the Osirion in Abydos. You can read about the secrets of the Flower of Light and of Life in the Emerald Tablets of Thoth. This led me into an even deeper study on the subject of the connection between maths, the coded language of our DNA, astronomy, astrology, symbolism, quantum physics, gematria (a system of assigning numerical value to an alphabet) electro magnetic energy, zero point energy, alchemy, the light body, ancient myth and mythology. In short the Secrets of the Knowledge of the Ancient and highly advanced Civilizations, those wise and Spiritually advanced races of people that just seemed to disappear off the face of the planet...or did they? Did they understand some profound knowledge that we have forgotten today? The Universal Laws and Principals and the Sacred Law of One?

When I first got the idea to build the Flower of Light Center, on one of our many return visits to Luxor, it came to me in a holographic image, literally! I saw the center in my minds EYE almost exactly as it is today, I was walking down the road past the Sonesta Hotel on the East Bank of Luxor with my husband Dony, we were talking about how it was so difficult for anyone coming to Egypt to find Spiritual Guidance, Spiritual Wisdom connected with the Esoteric Mysteries of Egypt. I wondered why? Surely, I thought, there should be somebody here willing to offer this knowledge to Spiritual seekers, after all, an ever increasing number of people coming to Egypt today, come on Spiritual Journeys. I couldn't believe that in the home of the Mystery Schools, Egypt, there was nobody teaching the Mysteries? Why not? So, in that moment, we realized that this was our goal. My mission, was to return the Mystery Schools and the teachings of Thoth, Hermes, to Egypt and to make the teachings available, once again, in the land where the Ancient God's once lived. It was said by the Ancient Egyptians that Thoth (thought) brought humanity into manifestation, Thoth the Scribe, the messenger of the Gods.

When I returned to Ireland after this visit to Luxor, lots of things began falling into place, the memory of a motorbike accident I had when I was 14 years old and the out of body experience I had during the accident. The way I had been saved from the accident by a man who just seemed to disappear into thin air, this man had saved my life, the accident happened at 3 o'clock in the morning on an old country road, and to make things worse it was lashing rain, the chances of me being found by anyone was very slim as the road was not used by many people. This man had come from nowhere and found me, brought me to the hospital and then just vanished. My Dad put adds in the newspapers looking for him, to thank him for saving my life, but he never came forward nor did he ever call the hospital to find out how I was doing. It was very odd, a man who was kind and concerned enough to take me to hospital, you would think that he would want to know if I survived or not, wouldn't you? I also started to remember a dream that began just after I had the accident, a dream that would eventually connect with everything I am doing today.

We set our sights on finding land in Luxor to build the Flower of Light center, we came back to Luxor many many times after to find the right piece of land, we found disappointment after disappointment. Every time we thought we had found the right land, something went wrong. We had just about given up on the idea of buying land but we decided, after long discussion, that we would leave Ireland and move to Luxor anyway and see where it would take us. Long story short, just after we moved to Luxor, we met a guy that brought us to the land that we would eventually build the center on. After sorting out various different things, we moved out of the apartment we were staying in at the Nile, and up to our new land and house. We were living on the land for about six months at this stage and were well into the build of the center, every evening when we would go out to the front of the land and look over at the mountains of the Valley of the Kings, I would always wonder about the mountain right in front of our center because it had something built right on top of it. I didn't know what it was and Dony thought it might be an army base. One night we had an Egyptian friend of ours over, he worked as a Tour Guide, and we were sitting out front of the land, I asked him “Do you know what the building on top of that mountain is?” he said yes its a Temple and the mountain is called Thoth Hill. I nearly fell off my chair and once again I got a huge kundalini rush, I realized in that moment that we had bought the land for the center right in front of Thoth Hill without even realizing it. I knew more surely then ever that we were on the right track. The synchronicity that has flowed and the guidance that I have been receiving since then has been phenomenal. The whole process has been a huge lesson for Dony, Dylan and myself.

I remember, years ago, when I was younger and always hopping from job to job, my Dad said to me one day, after I had just walked out of another good job..he said ”I know what you don't want to do with your life, but tell me, do you know what it is that you do want to do”? I said YES...I told him that, “if one day I found myself in a position where I was working on the Ancient Mysteries and living in Egypt, I would think that I had died and gone to Heaven” WELL, here I am, and who knows, maybe I am in Heaven....

                   Excerpt From the “Kybalion” Hermetic Philosophy..

In Love & Light

alternative web site:
Mobile:    (002) 010 232 44 75
Landline:  (002) 95 231 40 43


Giza Pyramid & the Ancient Mystery Schools

The greatest of all the Mystery Schools was in Egypt at Giza, it was here that they taught the mystery of the immortality of the soul. It is evident that the knowledge possessed during the times the Pyramids are said to have been built included a complete grasp of astronomy, solar systems, planetary bodies, distances, the procession of the equinoxes and the fixed star groupings, sacred geometry, advanced mathematics, physics, geography. Unofficially, Thoth built the Great Pyramid and encoded into it energetic and sacred geometrical templates for planetary consciousness evolution. It is said that Thoth built the pyramids using his sacred knowledge of atomic structures and sound frequencies. The great pyramid later served as initiation chambers for those who completed their Mystery School training. The Great Pyramid was considered the “navel of the Earth”, marking the centre of the 0 degree meridian line that indicated the longest stretches of land running in both a north-south direction and an east-west direction on the entire globe. In other words the great pyramid sits at the very center of the Earth's landmass and in the system of the chakras of the Nile it represents the fully opened Third Eye. The great pyramid was also a symbolic representation of the human skull in that its so called kings and queens chambers represents the pineal and pituitary glands of the human brain. The great pyramid is the foundation of the world wide energy grid system aligning all Earth’s pyramids and monuments across the entire globe. The entire Giza complex is the original “Mound of Creation”, the home of the Seven Sages, the Primeval One's, the Builder gods, the sacred mound that was established in Zep Tepi or the First Time. Here beneath the Giza Plateau lies the Halls of Amenti, the Hall of Records, a secret location in which the entire history and technological knowledge of the pre flood (Atlantian) civilization was hidden for future generations. The Halls of Amenti or Hall of Records are a cosmic body of wisdom containing the ultimate mysteries of time, space, alchemy and the multi dimensions, a Stargate, a cosmic energy vortex. The initiate system, the sacred science of alchemy in Egypt, was based on one point, that the individual should learn factually and beyond question through personal experience that death is an illusion and consciousness or spirit having been released from matter is free to experience the omni dimensional creation. The masters of the mystery schools had developed a science, through initiation and transmutation, by which they could communicate the fact, and circumstance of death directly to another person. In other words, the initiates of the Mystery Schools, were persons who had lived, died, and been born again in this world. Here at the centre of the earth we will lie in the sarcophagus of the Kings Chamber in the Great Pyramid, where, through toning the primeval creative seed sound of Aum/Om we will activate our light bodies and open our third eye, entering a gateway to higher consciousness. A life changing experience, it is here that we will balance all polarities, standing between the macrocosm and the microcosm on this day of equal light and dark, the equinox. It is here in the Great Pyramid that we will preform the highest initiations of the Mystery Schools.
for more information on our mystey school tours or staying at the flower of light holiday center in luxor please see our website

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Thoth & The Pyramid of Giza

The God Thoth  wrote the Emerald Tablets of Thoth, his wisdom and advice

"Raised over the passage, I, a mighty pyramid, using the power that overcomes Earth force (gravity). Deep and yet deeper place I a force-house or chamber; from it carved I a circular passage reaching almost to the great summit. There in the apex, set I the crystal, sending the ray into the "Time-Space," drawing the force from out of the ether, concentrating upon the gateway to Amenti. Know ye that in the pyramid I builded are the Keys that shall show ye the Way into life. Aye, draw ye a line from the great image I builded, to the apex of the pyramid, built as a gateway. Draw ye another opposite in the same angle and direction. Dig ye and find that which I have hidden. There shall ye find the underground entrance to the secrets hidden before ye were men."

 Please see our website for more information on the flower of light holiday center in Luxor, and also information on our workshops courses and tours

Sakkara The Stepped Pyramid of King Zoser

Imhotep, the legendary architect of the stepped pyramid of king zoser, the titles of Imhotep include Sage, Architect, High Priest, Astronomer, Doctor and Master of the Mysteries. According to accepted dating the stepped pyramid was built in 2650 B.C. Imhotep named the stepped pyramid “Horus is the star at the head of the sky”. Outside the stepped pyramid is a structure known as the Serdab, the Serdab is a stone cubicle in which a seated statue of king zoser sits. In the stone cubicle containing the statue there are two holes drilled so that the statue of the king appears to be looking out through the holes at the sky. The stone cubicle itself is tilted back at an angle so that the seated king has a perfect view of the stars in the northern area of the night sky. The stepped pyramid the, kings stairway to heaven, is a six tiered pyramid serving an astronomical function. Each lawyer of the pyramid represented five degrees of the dome of the sky. The rotating circular pathway of the stars are observable as they intersect with the pyramid providing a relationship with the esoteric concept of squaring the circle, the celestial circular pathway of the stars and the terrestrial square of the pyramid. Sakkara, representing the 5th Chakra in the system of the chakras of the Nile, is the centre of our communication determining how we interact with the Universe through vocalisation and the process of Thought. The Sound Healing Temple of Sakkara was used to increase the vibratory rate and accelerate higher consciousness of the Mystery School Initiate. The knowledge, being passed down through Myth and Mythology of the use of Sound Technology in the construction of the Temples and Pyramids and the use of Sound as a healing medium is now again being understood. The ancient wisdom was written in stone.

For more information on our mystery school courses and tours or if you would like to saty at the flower of light holiday center in Luxor please see our website

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Karnack Temple & Matrix Energy

"The tradition of the ancient world is called The Masters of the Net, an illustration from the temple walls at Karnak, showing Thoth, the Ibis headed God, who stands behind the Egyptian high culture, stretching a cord, to give the extent of spirit moving in to physical space. While the Masters of the Net was one expression of the type of initiation that took place in great spiritual systems, to teach initiates how spiritual forces can be brought in to manifestation in the physical world, this net that is being described is the same thing that we find in modern physics as The Net of Space Time. If you look at Egyptian temple walls, you will find illustrations such as this. The hieroglyphs that accompany it will say things like These initiates are being taught how to catch and cast magic. Essentially the nets that they are holding is a representation for this background matrix of energy that allows spirit to manifest all the forms in the physical world. These initiates were learning the depths of how these etheric or energetic templates are laid down in physical space that allows all energy and all consciousness, all life, to manifest in our world. Again, if you study the Egyptian temple walls, you will find indications of a highly advanced form of spiritual training and spiritual science." The temple of Karnak describes the process of the creation of the manifest universe, the descent of spirit into matter using the Golden Blueprint of Creation. Amon the "Hidden One" in the mound of creation. Almost every king had a hand in the construction of Karnak temple as it was continually being developed as a sacred site, a temple dedicated to creation which was itself being continually created as it grew over vast periods of time.

If you would like to join on of our Mystery School tours or stay at the flower of light holiday center in luxor please see our website for more details

Dendera temple - the Crypts & Zodiac

Sir Norman Lockyer, through his research, as he measured the orientation of the temples of Egypt, realised that they had an astronomical basis, and so the modern science of Archaeoastronomy was born. The goddess Hathor, in her aspect of Isis, personified the star Sirius, and the temple of Hathor at Dendera, which was built on the ruins of a much older temple, was used to track this star. Like the temple at Edfu, to which the temple of Dendera is linked, there are inscriptions which indicate that Dendera temple was built according to an ancient plan. An inscription in one of the crypts states that “the temple had been built according to a plan written in ancient writing upon a goatskin scroll from the time of the Companions of Horus” (the sages, the builder gods, the primeval ones). Egyptian chronological tables have been found which date the founding of Egypt to a much earlier time than the first Dynasties. All the writers of antiquity who had any contact with Egypt wrote of this very ancient date for the Egyptian civilization. The ancient sources talk about a long period of time when Egypt was ruled by the Neters, and another equally long period during which it was ruled by the Shemsu Hor (the Companions or Followers of Horus) The earliest of these accounts place the founding of Egypt at 30,000 B.C. Herodotus is quoted as saying that “the sun had twice risen where it now set and twice set where it now rises” This account by Herodotus was interpreted by Schwaller de Lubicz as “a description of the passage of one and a half processional cycles. This would place the founding of Egypt at 36,000 B.C”. The name Hathor means House of Horus and she was associated, among many things, with healing. One of Dendera's most important roles was as a healing center. Dendera was a sacred place of pilgrimage where all manner of miraculous cures were said to have taken place as preformed by the goddess Hathor.Also at Dendera is the only circular zodiac to be found in Egypt.

 In one of the many crypts of Dendera there is also to be found something that is said to look like a cathode ray tube or crookes tube. These bulb like objects are reminiscent of over sized light bulbs. Inside these “bulbs” there are snakes in wavy lines, the snakes pointed tail stems forth from a lotus flower. Something similar to a wire leads off a small box on which the air god is kneeling. Adjacent to it is the two armed Djed pillar which is connected to the snake. The snake is symbolic of kundalini energy, the double helix of the DNA and also of higher wisdom. The ancient Egyptians had advanced scientific knowledge and technology evidence of this can be found throughout the ancient civilization. Their teachings of science and technology was centred on the workings of electromagnetic energies, the Net. These ancient scientists were the Masters of the Net.
If you would like to join our Mystery School tours or stayat the flower of light holiday center in Luxor please see our website or more details

Osirion at Abydos & the Flower of Life

At the rear of Sety I temple is a very strange structure called the Osirion that holds a number of mysteries. The Osirion temple is comprised of enormous sized red granite blocks and is similar to Old Kingdom megalithic structures, like the Valley Temple, and the Sphinx Temple at Giza. The megalithic design, the lack of inscriptions, and the fact that some of the larger stone blocks weigh up to 100 tons suggests that the Osirion pre-dates the temple of Sety. By examination of the Nile silt laid down around the Osirion temple it has been observed that the silt was laid down at a time of much higher floods, floods of this nature date back to the 10,000 B.C time frame. Inscribed on some of these blocks and visible from the staircase can be seen a number of 'Flower of Life' patterns of interlocking circles. “The Flower of Life contains the patterns of creation as they emerged from the Great Void". Everything is made from the Creator's thought. After the creation of the Seed of Life comes the Egg of Life. This structure forms the basis for music, as the distances between the spheres is identical to the distances between the tones and the half tones in music. It is also identical to the cellular structure of the third embryonic division, the first cell divides into two cells, then to four cells then to eight, this same structure, further developed, creates the human body. “I am the One who becomes Two, who becomes Four, who becomes Eight, and then I am One again” If we continue creating more and more spheres we will end up with the structure called the Flower of Life. The Merkaba was said to be a counter-rotating field of light, a vehicle that can aid mind, body and spirit to access and experience other planes of reality or potentials of life. The Merkaba or Light Body, is a tool that helps humans reach their full potential, it is a crystalline energy field that is comprised of specific sacred geometries that align the mind, body, and heart together. This energy field created from sacred geometry extends around the body, these geometric energy fields normally spin around our bodies at close to the speed of light. The knowledge of Sacred Geometry and the Light Body was known to the Mystery School Initiates, this knowledge is now being returned to the memory of man and is again available for use as a vehicle to elevate our awareness to higher consciousness and connection to our higher selves. Meditations, light body and third eye activations together with the understanding and integration of this ancient knowledge will allow us to attune to the higher vibrating energies and develop a deep understanding of the consciousness of the Mystery School

For more details of our Mystery School tours or the Flower of light holiday center in Luxor please see our website

Abydos the temple of Seti 1 - The Gateway to the Underworld

For the Ancient Egyptians, Abydos was one of the holiest sites in the world. It was the center of the god Osiris and was known as the “Gateway to the underworld”. Osiris, lord of the cycles of creation, symbolizing the divine spark in man and the physical creation. This aspect of Osiris describes the process of birth, re-birth, renewal and return, a return to the divine. Abydos is still a place of pilgrimage for Spiritual travellers and is said to be the burial place of the head of Osiris. It is here at Abydos that Osiris is brought back to life after having being killed and cut into 14 pieces by his brother Set. It is here that Osiris becomes the judge of the dead and the lord of the underworld. It was at Abydos that the Djed pillar was raised for the first time. The festival of the raising of the Djed dates back to more than 5000 years. It is the Egyptian Book of the Dead or the Book of Coming Forth by Day that identifies the Djed pillar as the backbone of Osiris and the support and backbone of the Universe. The Djed pillar was the cosmic axis of light linking heaven and earth, the microscopic representation of which was the backbone of the human body through which the light of the kundalini energy rises. In the Edfu texts it is said that the Djed pillar “served its greatest purpose and revealed its greatest mysteries at the end of one world age and the beginning of another”, this is such a time! Dorothy Eady (Omm Sety) who believed herself to be a reincarnation of a temple priestess at Abydos, tells the story of her relationship with the illuminated King Sety. Beginning in the early 1900s and lasting until her death in 1981 Dorothy Eady and Sety carried on the romance begun in 1500 B.C. It is said that “Sety wore the transparent “robe of light” (light body) indicating that he was an initiate of the Egyptian Mystery Schools. He would appear to Dorothy at night, then, he would disappear all of a sudden, crossing our 3-D world into the parallel reality the ancient Egyptians called Amenti, the realm of Osiris”. The Temple of Sety , built around 1300 BC by Sety and his son Ramses II bears a cartouche in the Outer Hypostyle Hall that has become famous for including the "Abydos helicopter." The ancient engraving shows a helicopter and other futuristic devices.
for more information on our Ancient Mystery tours or the flower of light holiday center in Luxor please see our website

Medinet Habu & the God Thoth

Medinet Habu, the "City of Habu", Djamet, it was both a Temple and a complex of temples dating from the New Kingdom. Th Main temple area is knownas the moruary temple of Ramses 111. The temple It adjoins the cultivation at the southern end of the Theban necropolis, opposite southern Luxor. The area was one of the earliest places within the Theban region to be associated with the worship of Amun. Hetshepsut and Tutmosis III built a small temple to Amun on the site of an earlier structure.

The temples holy ground was believed to be where the Ogdoad, the four pairs of first primeval gods, were buried. The word Habu is connected with the word hbw which means ibis, the sacred bird of Thoth. Thoth was the Master of the City of Eight which was located in Khnum, Hermopolis, the home of the Ogdoad. Thoth, the Master of Magic, Mystery, Language, Alchemy, Sacred Geometry, Numbers, Time, Medicine & the Mystery Schools. It was Thoth who created the manifest universe using the power of language and song. Thoth revealed the words of Ra through sound waves, which became the created and manifest universe. His song created the eight deities of the Ogdoad, the gods Nun, Heh, Kuk and Amun and the goddesses Nunet, Hauhet, Kuaket and Amaunet. The number of Thoth is 8, a number which is synonymous with creation and manifestation. "I am the One who becomes Two, who becomes Four, who becomes Eight, and then I am One again".

for more information of our Mystery School Tours, or the Flower of light holiday center in Luxor please see our website

LUXOR TEMPLE - The Temple of Man

Schwaller de Lubicz, the French mathematician and orientalist, moved to Egypt in 1935 with his wife Isha and her daughter Lucy Lamy. They measured and mapped the Temple at Luxor in order to yield information as regards to Sacred Geometry and proportion, which describes the link between the cosmic realms and terrestrial nature including alchemy, physics, mathematics, geometry, art and astronomy. Schwaller describes the Ancient Egyptians Pharaonic concept of Man as the center of the Universe in physical expression as Anthropocosmos Man". The ancient Egyptians saw the Cosmos as an "act of divine conscious creation" and the seed of that divine consciousness was present in every human being, waiting to be watered and nourished and returned to its divine state through the process of spiritual alchemy, the transmutation of mortal man into his divine and enlightened state . To the Anthropocosmos Man, the Universe is a projection of human consciousness and consciousness is volume. The architecture in the Temple of Luxor expresses volume in form. The spirit, having descended into matter using its Golden Blueprint of creation at Karnak temple, now begins the process of growth from child to adult at Luxor temple, here we see the fully formed physically perfected, fully conscious Man. The Temple of Luxor describes the structure of the human body, incorporating its energy centers, the Chakras. The temple describes the process of creation and growth of the human form. The body was seen as the temple of the divine spirit, and Luxor temple is a perfect example of how the temple was built to be a symbolic representation of the physical body. The plans for this temple are based on human proportions and contains the secrets of spiritual anatomy. The proportions of the human body can be found embodied in the geometry of the temple's architecture. Luxor temple is, among other things, a symbolic representation of the perfect man

For more dtails about the flower of light holiday center in luxor, our Ancient Mystery tours and workshops please see our website

Giza a star gate accelerator - Mystery school tour with Anntoinette Glynn

Join me on this journey of awakening and remembering. Follow the Path of the Mystery School Initiate along the Seven Seals of the Nile. Discovering the Seven Cosmic Keys of Power and Wisdom, Creation and Manifestation. Consciousness (Thoth) the Great Initiator, the Master of Mysteries, will guide us through ever expanding and higher levels of awareness, until we become the Self Initiated, a Conscious Creator.

The pyramids, temples, tombs and symbols of Egypt are but triggers for the remembering of the ancient wisdom, they are not the wisdom itself, for in truth, the Knowledge, the Wisdom, cannot be taught using our finite words and concepts, it can only be experienced, it is consciousness experiencing itself. 20/02/2011=8 or 2+2+2+1+1=8 these numbers are also memory triggers, activation codes, a return to balance, a zero point, a gateway to higher levels of being, to infinite mind and infinite potential. Many people today are experiencing a Quickening, a new wave of Consciousness, a speeding up of their concept of time. Many are asking, Who am I? Why am I here? What did I come here to do? Is this life all there is? What is death? Where did I come from? For those who persist in asking the questions, the answers will surely come, your questions are the Keys. Many are experiencing the chaotic breaking down of their life, isolation, frustration and destruction, the old techniques don't work any more. The chaos and destruction is but death to the old Self and birth to the New, a higher level of You.

Join me on this Life Changing Journey to the Great Pyramid of Giza, the greatest Accelerator of them all, a Star Gate, accelerating the separated particles of our consciousness towards unity. On this day of 10/10/10 we will lie in the sarcophagus of the Kings Chamber, activate our Light Body, our Higher Consciousness, tone the seed sound of Creation, Aum/Om and remember the Greatest Story Never Told, the Greatest Secret of them All. Are you ready? Is this your time? If the Light is awakened in you, it will respond.
for more details of this tour with Anntoinette Glynn please see the flower of ligh website

New tunnel discovery at to the underground complex at Giza

Arriving in Cairo we couldnt get a flight back to luxor until the next day so we stayed in my friends guesthouse at the pyramids...that was great as I went to see the newly discovered tunnell to the underground complex at giza...the tunnell is in an egyptian cemetary beside the plateau and the entrance is though a water well in the was amazing to see it...

Path of the Mystery School Initiate Sacred Winter Solstice Journey 12th to 22nd December 2010 11 Days

Join me on this life changing journey of awakening and remembering commencing on the 12th December 2010.

Following the path of the mystery school initiate through the chakras of the Nile, the Seven Seals of Egypt, we will discover the profound cosmic wisdom that is written in the stones.

"Follow ye ever the path of wisdom. Only by this can ye rise from below. Ever man's destiny leads him onward into the Curves of Infinity's ALL. Know ye, O man, that all space is ordered. Only by Order are ye One with the ALL. Order and balance are the Law of the Cosmos. Follow and ye shall be One with the ALL."

Egypt is an image of what is in the heavens and also of what is below, the microcosm and the macrocosm, as above, so below. Mirror images of the constellations, that the Masters built below, using their Temples and Pyramids as a reflection of the stars.

Our tour includes a Mystery School Initiate Workshop and also visits to the following :

Valleys of Queens
Valley of the Kings
Medinet Habu Temple - the mortuary temple of Ramses 111
Osirion where the flower of life symbol can be seen
Mortuary Temple of Seti 1
Temple of Dendera
Temple of Karnack
Temple of Luxor
Pyramids and Sphinx

The greatest of all the Mystery Schools was in Egypt at Giza, it was here that they taught the mystery of the immortality of the soul. It is evident that the knowledge possessed during the times the Pyramids are said to have been built included a complete grasp of astronomy, solar systems, planetary bodies, distances, the procession of the equinoxes and the fixed star groupings, sacred geometry, advanced mathematics, physics, geography.

"Raised over the passage, I, a mighty pyramid, using the power that overcomes Earth force (gravity). Deep and yet deeper place I a force-house or chamber; from it carved I a circular passage reaching almost to the great summit. There in the apex, set I the crystal, sending the ray into the "Time-Space," drawing the force from out of the ether, concentrating upon the gateway to Amenti. Know ye that in the pyramid I builded are the Keys that shall show ye the Way into life. Aye, draw ye a line from the great image I builded, to the apex of the pyramid, built as a gateway. Draw ye another opposite in the same angle and direction. Dig ye and find that which I have hidden. There shall ye find the underground entrance to the secrets hidden before ye were men."

for more details of this tour commencing 12th december -22nd december 2011

please see the flower of Light website

Saturday, 2 October 2010

Ancient Egyptian Mystery Schools

What are the Mystery Schools?

The name Mystery School is in itself a term which displays a hidden
meaning.  This is not unusual as all the teachings of the Mystery
Schools were built up of layer upon layer of symbolism and occult (the
term occult meaning Hidden) secrets.  The Mystery Schools are a
timeless, ageless, omni dimensional philosophical teaching, a scientific
study of the Mind.  The Hermetic Axiom “The All is in All and All is in
The All” or “God is in All and All is in God” describes the basis of the
Mystery School teachings that the Universe is Mental in nature, all is
Mind and all is created through the Power of Thought (Thoth).  The
teachings were handed down throughout the ages and civilizations through
oral tradition from Master to Initiate  very little of the teachings
were ever written down.  The information was left encoded in symbolic
representations, Sacred Geometric design of Temples, Pyramids and Sacred
Sites, myth and mythology, this knowledge reflected in the building of
the Ancient and Sacred Sites made them perfect places for learning,
initiation and astronomical observation.  The teachings of the Mystery
Schools are a scientific study into the Laws and Principals of the
Universal Mind.  The Universal Mind is also know as God or Spirit, and
we, as human beings, are a holographic image of that Universal Mind, the
microcosm and the macrocosm, “As Above, So Below, As Below, So Above” As
the seed is the tree enfolded, so is the universe God/Spirit unfolded.
The Mystery Schools teach of the Transmutation of the consciousness of
mortal man to his natural enlightened immortal self.  The Mystery School
teachings are a navigational tool for all souls throughout all space and
time to find their way Home.  The ancient Alchemists who were also
students of the Mystery Schools, studied this Transmutation of one form
to another and displayed this principal through their experiments of
turning lead into gold.  That was only an outward display, another form
of symbolic representation, the true meaning behind the experiments of
the Alchemists was the Transmutation of Consciousness from unenlightened
to enlightened Man (Ascension).  Much of the ancient information of the
Mystery Schools are now being confirmed by recent scientific finding,
especially in the field of Quantum Physics.

The Pantheon of Gods, which included Thoth, Isis, Osiris, Ptah, Ra, Su,
Geb, Set  were said to have come to Egypt in Zep Tepi or The First Time.
Thoth was known as the God of Wisdom, Magic, Alchemy and The Arts in
Ancient Egypt and was also known as Hermes Trismegistus “Hermes the
Thrice Great” The Winged Messenger of the Gods, in Ancient Greece.  It
is said of Thoth that he brought humanity into manifestation through
“Language and Maths”  The time before Zep Tepi is know in mythology as
Atlantis and before that Lemuria, the time before the Great Flood.  This
is where the Gods of Egypt are said to have come from.  Creationist
stories encoded in myth and mythology from all over the Ancient World
speak of the Great Flood and the Gods that arrived after to teach the
Wisdom of the Ages to humanity.  Its is said that these Gods move from
reality to reality creating the programs for souls to experience.   The
term Zep, Zipper refers of a closing and opening, gateway, holes in time
and space, a zero point, the ending of one and beginning of another, a
Golden Age  It is said that the Gods moved through this Zero Point, Zep
Tepi where matter and anti matter merge, and there they create New
Realities  In our measurement of time Zep Tepi refers to a time about
13,000 years ago approx. 10,500B.C  The Ancient Scientists/Priests of
the Mystery Schools were measuring an astronomical cycle know to us
today as the Precession of the Equinoxes or The Great Year.  The term
Zep Tepi and the time frame of 13,000 years measures half a processional
cycle, a full cycle being 26,000 years approx..  The Ancient
Scientist/Astrologer/Priests of the Mystery Schools measured the rise
and fall of the Consciousness of humanity against the backdrop of this
processional cycle.  The Giza Plateau with its Sphinx and Pyramids
serves as a huge astronomical observatory to measure the 26,000 year
long processional cycle.  All the ancient stone structures were used as
astronomical observatories and symbolic representations of the raising
of consciousness up through the creative spiral of soul evolution.

The Ancient Mystery School Priests considered the Nile to be a
terrestrial representation of the celestial Milky Way, they also
compared the Nile to the Spine or Backbone of the Human body.  Having
full knowledge of the Chakra system of the body, they built their
temples along the Nile, stretching from Aswan to Saquara as
representations of the Chakras of the body running up along the Spine
from base to crown.  The Mystery School Initiates raised their
consciousness from their base Chakra, studying and being initiated in
the corresponding temples along the Nile.  The Chakras are gateways that
open up our energy flow with The Cosmos and our Body of Light.  Each
Chakra has energies that relate to our growth, these energies can be
expressed either negatively or positively, shut down from trauma or open
due to peace and tranquility.  The journey of the Mystery School
Initiate is the journey of moving beyond the illusion of density and
becoming the Whole.  As the Initiate moves through and activates the
Chakras, the Chakra spins and becomes a radiant ball of light which
allows the Kundalini to flow through us fully, so we are fully in our
life energy, unlimited, our Body of Light and being the Creators that we
are. In this way the Initiate raised their Consciousness through the
various Chakras and Kundalini energy flowed and connected base to crown,
from unenlightened to enlightened, from mortal to immortal.  The Mystery
Schools are a body of teaching revealing the Secrets of the Universe and
the Self and when properly understood leads us to ever increasing
Freedom and Joy, expansion of Awareness and the knowledge of our
Immortal, Omni dimensional, Eternal Cosmic Self.

The Ancient Pyramid and Temple builders erected their structures across
not only Egypt but the whole Planet, these Ancient Structures can be
seen to reflect Star Constellations on the ground. The three Pyramids at
Giza reflect the three stars in Orion's Belt and the Orion Stars
orientation to the Milky Way was as to the three Pyramids orientation to
the Nile but only having a perfect match in the time frame dating 13,000
years ago approx. 10,500 B.C or Zep Tepi.
There exists an ancient body of writing found in the Egyptian city of Alexandria in the early Christian era in which it talks about the Sky/Ground connection linked in numerous ways to the issue of the resurrection and immortality of the soul (see Graham Hancock & Robert Bauval-The Message of the Sphinx)
These writings the “HermeticTexts” were believed to have been the work of the ancient Egyptian wisdom God know as Thoth, who in one passage makes the following remarks to his disciple Asclepius “Do you not know, Asclepius, that Egypt is an image of Heaven?  In Egypt all the operations of the powers which rule and work in Heaven have been transferred down to Earth below?”  In the
Hermetic view, the purpose of harnessing these Powers was to facilitate
the Initiates quest for Immortality.

We are now moving into a new Zep Tepi, Gateway, a new Golden Age.  It is
said that the Teachings and Wisdom of the Ancient Gods would be returned
to, and remembered by, Humanity at this time.  This is the time of an
awakening Consciousness, a window of opportunity for all souls to Ascend
to a new sate of Being, Enlightened, Eternal, Omni dimensional, Cosmic
Man.  A time to manifest and realize our Heaven on Earth  All souls are
called for Initiation and all souls Know when they are being called!

During 2011 I am arranging mystery school courses in Ireland for more details please contact antoinette on 0877509794/0879154549 or email

Flower of light holiday center in Luxor Egypt

Nestled quietly at the majestic mountains of the Valley of the Kings, overlooked by the sacred mountain known as “Thoth Hill, surrounded by the Sacred Sites, the Centre is at the very heart of ancient Egypt. Created in environmental harmony and residing on a powerful energy spot, this beautiful Eco Centre was built using natural materials throughout, an oasis of beauty, peace and tranquillity, perfect for relaxation and meditation. Just minutes away from the River Nile and on the edge of the traditional Egyptian village of Qurna the Centre is within walking distance of shops, restaurants, pharmacy's and the local markets. Luxor city centre is only a short journey away which affords our guests the best of both worlds, traditional village life with the hustle and bustle of Luxor centre only minutes away. The Flower of Light is new, refreshing and unique, Luxor's only Spiritual Retreat Centre offering Sacred Wisdom Retreats and Path of the Mystery School Initiate Sacred Journey's.

Please see our website